
As you may know, there is an upcoming holiday that people are becoming more and more excited for.  

Yes, you know what I’m talking about; it’s the festive holiday that is celebrated by many, immediately after Thanksgiving, with houses flooded with colorful lights, as well as festive decorations.  

You all know this holiday as Christmas, but did you know that December has more holidays widely celebrated across the planet in the month of December?

Many of us are unaware of these holidays because of all the Christmas hype.  

One of the holidays celebrated by many Jewish people in December is Hanukkah.  Many Jewish people anticipate this holiday soon after Thanksgiving because it is celebrated at the start of the month of December and lasts 8 days.  

The truth of the holiday, is for Jewish people to celebrate the re-dedication of the Holy Temple.  In doing this, the Jewish people are imitating the act of the candle lighting for the Holy Temple in Jerusalem many years ago.

The holiday marks a victory that occurred over 2,000 years ago.  Jews were forced by a tyrant king in Demascus to worship Greek gods. Rebels fought for three years and won the temple back in Jerusalem.  In order to rededicate it, they needed to light the lamp (menorah in Hebrew).  But there was enough oil for only one night.

The miracle is that the oil lasted for eight days.

So every December 2-10 or so, the Menorah, an intertwined candle of eight flames, is lit one by one, so by the eighth day, all the flames will be lit.  Children play dreidel and receive gifts.