RCSD Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with Eco-Spirit Week

The Class of 2022 and The Environmental Club have joined forces for a super terrific Virtual Earth Day Spirit Week: April 20th through April 24th.
April 24th is the 50th The Class of 2022 and The Environmental Club have joined forces for a super terrific Virtual Earth Day Spirit Week: April 20th through April 24th.
April 24th is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day!
We invite all students (CLS, BMS, RHS) to join us to help raise morale and celebrate our beautiful planet while we are all safe at home.
Each day, RHS students, please email your awesome pictures of yourself in your spiri twear participating in an Earth Day Activity to: [email protected] (Riley LeHane Class of 2022 President).
All pictures for Bulkeley Middle School and Chancellor Livingston Elementary School should be emailed directly to [email protected].
All the pictures will be displayed on Rhinebeck Reality website. Feel free to include your family members (fur family too !).
The following are the themes for the week:
Monday April 20th– This is crazy recycle hat day and thrifted clothes day. Wear your older siblings’ clothes–they love that! Use recyclable items you have around the house to make a crazy hat!
Tuesday April 21st- This is virtual twin day: Get in touch with a friend or family member and dress the same as them. (You don’t have to be in the same house.) With your twin, make a personal pledge, write Congressman Delgado about an environmental issue you care about, or promote involvement with our local government!
Wednesday April 22nd– In honor of the 50th Year of Earth Day and to honor this beautiful planet on which we live, wear your favorite nature shirt and take a picture of yourself in your favorite nature spot. Paint a rock with an Earth Friendly message and leave it for someone else to see. Take a walk and pick up any garbage you find. (Remember: social distance!) Check out the Virtual Earth Day Activities.
Thursday April 23rd- This is Spirit Day ! Wear PURPLE and GOLD and take a hike or picnic somewhere in our beautiful valley! Remember to social distance!
Friday April 24th- Fancy Friday! Dress up in your nicest clothes, and think about what life would have been like for your family in the 18th century by powering down: use minimal power, have a candlelit dinner, turn off the computer, turn off your phone (except for pictures!), read, and talk!