Boys volleyball isn’t on the Rhinebeck Athletics page under the winter sports section, but now for the second year, in the RHS gym boys in grades 9-12 can participate in intramural volleyball at 7:00 to 9:00 pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Fortunately, in spite of no budget, the team has all the needed equipment, a coach named John Gallagher, and their first game on February 24th at RHS at 9am.
The boys have their second and third game just a week and two weeks later.

So far there’s around 20 players on the boys volleyball team, ranging from freshmen to seniors. Most of the players are sophomores with some juniors and a few seniors.
When asked about their team’s strengths, players reported the following to RR:
“Our coach and how much time he’s put into our team,” said Gregory Reed
“We have good players that know how to play their positions,” said Harry Whidbee.
Practice is really fun with very few rules: to respect each other, to try your hardest every practice, and to be safe. In practice no one judges or makes fun of another person based on their abilities and their skill level, as most people themselves are new to volleyball.
If the Rhinebeck Athletics program considers it an official sport, in future years, there could be more people to join.