Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Five numbers typed into a little screen: your lunch number. Your passcode. Your school ID. But is it really yours?
There is, of course, security for lunch numbers, but it isn’t a lot. You’ve probably shown or told a bunch of people your lunch number. There isn’t much confidentiality when it comes to lunch numbers. But, they are a very important thing. Your lunch number is the password to your computer, Canvas, and everything related to school.
When it does come to lunch numbers, the code to accessing your money, they should at least be secure. Lunch is expensive for some people, and they can’t afford to waste that money.
One of our students here at Rhinebeck was part of a lunch number crime. Their lunch number was used to buy cereal multiple days in a row, without their knowledge. This unexpecting student arrived home and their mother inquired about their recent purchases, however, the student hadn’t bought anything themselves. “She told me I spent it all on cereal, I don’t even like cereal!” said the student. The only way this could’ve happened is if someone in Rhinebeck was using numbers illegally. “And then I thought to myself, ‘Someone has my number,’” said the student.
A couple of cereal boxes may not seem like a lot, but for some families, it matters greatly.
It’s not like the cafeteria staff isn’t aware of this. According to our lunch ladies, “When you put in your lunch number your picture shows up.” When asked about people maliciously using other people’s number, one responded, “People definitely try,” but then proceeded to assure us that she always checks the picture before letting just anyone buy with that number.
However, sometimes students use their friends’ numbers, without malicious intent. So, how do the lunch staff know when the use of that number is allowed or not? So, one of the members of the cafeteria staff explained that she always verifies that the friend was ok with someone else using their lunch number.
Your lunch number pin is the same as your student ID, and although Rhinebeck School District doesn’t rely much on student ID numbers, some schools require students to log their student ID to enter the school. Your student ID is part of your identity at Rhinebeck, so be careful who you share your lunch number with, because your lunch number is more than just a beep beep beep beep beep on a screen.