With the implementation of the new block schedules this year, the school day and classes in general have changed a lot. We no longer have one particular class everyday.
In my opinion, the new schedule is a good one. Fewer periods means that the day feels shorter. Longer periods means that classes can teach more in one day than before, and have more time to get work done.
For core classes, the new schedule has worked well, but for non core classes that don’t meet everyday, the new schedule makes it a bit more complicated.
Classes like PE are affected because there are fewer classes than in last year’s schedule. Although the effect isn’t much, about one less class a cycle, it still makes PE less common throughout the schedule. However, one class that is affected more is band and chorus. I spoke to a student who is in band, and he said the new schedule affects band more than other classes. He said that some weeks he has band 3 times. Others he has band 2 times. Thats only once every 4 days.
This is far less than previous years where band was once every other day. With the weekly schedule switching between three and two times a week, it makes the schedule more confusing for kids who take band. Although I am not in band, I wonder how having fewer band classes throughout the week can affect how many concerts they can perform and how many songs they can learn each semester.