Bulletin 12.20.19

Rhinebeck High School Daily Bulletin


Today is Friday, December 20, and it’s a B day.  


Varsity Track and Field:  If you are interested in competing in Varsity Track and Field and are not currently in a sport, please see Coach Randall or Coach Sneed.



Don’t forget! After school snacks are available for purchase every day at the BMS cafeteria until 3:10 pm!


Community Service:  Check the community service calendar for more information! 


Happy Birthday to Harris Burkhart, Alex Pulver, Andy Castellanos, Finn Quested, Isaac Levine, Riley Moura, Gabrielle Lamprou, Sebastian Burrmester, Saxton Terranova, Edgar Pastran, Robert MacDermott, Brendan Hines, and Alex Kemnitzer, Emily Gibbons, and Britney Cruz-Cruz!