Student Council Candidates Share Ideas at Class Meetings This Week

Student Council Candidates Share Ideas at Class Meetings This Week

While Rhinebeck High School faces many uncertainties during the pandemic, one thing is for sure: the show must go on for student council elections. Elections will take place online this week.

At class meetings this week, students will have the opportunity to listen to candidates’ speeches. The class meetings will take place on Zoom at the following times:

Freshmen class meeting: Monday June 1st, 11 am

Sophomore class meeting: Tuesday June 2nd, 11 am

Junior class meeting: Wednesday June 3rd, 1 pm

The Zoom meeting information will be sent to students’ school email inboxes on the morning of their class meeting.

If any student is unable to attend their class Zoom meeting, they can watch a recorded version of candidates’ speeches here at

The candidates for each position are listed below:

Candidates for student council and class officer positions. In contested categories, running mates are color coordinated.

Candidates for student council and class officer positions. In contested categories, running mates are color coordinated.

On the morning of Friday, June 5th, ballots will be sent to the school email inboxes of freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.

Students will have until 11:59 PM on Friday to cast their votes.

On Monday, June 8th, election results will be posted here at