The Student Council Canvas is Here to Help

Are you struggling in school?
Check out the Student Council Canvas page for note-taking tips, study guides, student health and wellness, and more student advice.
Please accept the invitation to the canvas course in your outlook email and so you can find all of this information and more!
The effort to create the Student Council Canvas page was started and carried out last year by former Student Council President, Elena Raccuia and the previous Student Council.
This year’s student council is determined to continue this canvas page project throughout the year to make it a great place to access information of all kinds.
This page was launched last year and has been updated now to include all current students in the High School, including the new first-year students.
Right now, this canvas page includes a variety of helpful information that was listed above as well as school club information, community service information, class council pages for each grade, and the Student Council Constitution.
If you accepted the invitation, you should see it appear on your Canvas dashboard so check it out and stay tuned for more updates.