Join A Fall Sport!

Maeve Szwed

Carolyn Odell
Amy Hanson, Brittany Hassenflue, and Daisy Gadsby run a 5K race at FDR high school.

Are you interested  in doing a fall sport some day?  

Lucky for you, because Rhinebeck offers plenty of them.  The sports are offered in fall are football, cross country, volleyball, field hockey, soccer, swimming and golf.  I myself did swimming and cross country. I did swimming last fall and during this past summer. I have run cross country in 8th, 9th, and now 10th grade.

One  benefit  of doing sports is  obvious, you get exercise.   As a person on cross country I train about an hour and a half every day.   When we meet to compete it is about an hour and a half. In addition to exercise you get to socialize with others.   This makes you happier. Sports can teach you discipline, the ability to set goals and how to achieve them.

If you choose to do a fall sport  you need to have good time management skills  so that you don’t fall behind in schoolwork. Some suggestions are:  find a place that is quiet, have a set study time, try to use study halls and lunches to finish your work so there will be less work to do after school.   

So get out and be active!