BMS Environmental Club Hosts Fundraiser for Riverkeeper

BMS Environmental Club Hosts Fundraiser for Riverkeeper

Over nine million people rely on water from the Hudson River every day.

However, the water in the river wasn’t always safe to drink. The Hudson River had a rough history of pollution in the mid 1900’s. Many people forgot to care about their effects on the environment during this time. People started relying more and more on plastic and other disposable items to make their lives more convenient.

Then in the late 1960’s people started to realize that their actions made a difference. An organization called the Hudson Valley Fisherman’s association was founded in 1966. The name was later changed to RiverKeeper.

The Riverkeeper organization focuses mainly on protecting the Hudson River and educating people about what they can do to help.

“Riverkeeper holds polluters accountable, making the Hudson safer and cleaner each year. We patrol the river, inform the public, and go to court whenever it’s necessary, to eliminate illegal contamination,” as their website says.

“Riverkeeper fights threats to clean water like destructive power plants, reckless development and decrepit infrastructure.”

You can learn more here: Riverkeeper.   Their website allows you to report pollution as well as make donations.

The BMS Environmental club will be holding a fundraiser for Riverkeeper from April 18 through the 29th, so be sure to donate at the BMS main office.