Fall Drama Club Is Underway!

School Play and Talent Show in Store for November



Talulah Patch
Hunter Mesuda

As the year begins, it’s time for the Rhinebeck High School Drama Club to begin their fall programming! Here are some events to remember:

Have you ever been on a blind date and immediately known that the person was not the one?  Well, imagine having a million of them–all in a row! That’s the plot of Check, Please and Check, Please Part 2, which will be performed November 16th and 17th by the Drama Club.

The annual RHS Talent Show is open to ALL students in both the high school and middle school!  Auditions are November 4th and 5th, and the show will be November 28th.

If you have any questions, ask Mrs. Baer in her classroom or email her at [email protected].