The film “A Hard Days Night” is a showcase of the musical talents of The Beatles. The Beatles were super popular in the 1960s and there were a couple films that came out about them. “A Hard Days Night” is a musical movie that is more of a documentary style movie about the Beatles. It has a plot and a script but it is more realistic than some of their later films. The plot is The Beatles trying to navigate their life with many adoring fans. They are also preparing for a show and babysitting Paul McCartney’s grandfather. It’s a pretty old movie and it’s in black and white. Although, the songs they play are a big part of the movie the dialogue between the four band members is funny and entertaining. It was revolutionary for the film industry because it was one of the first “Jukebox Movies” where songs where incorporated into the film. Anyone who is a fan of music and rock would enjoy this film and anyone who likes old comedies would also enjoy “A Hard Days Night”. I rate this movie a 7 out of 10.
A Hard Days Night
Rose Wheeler, Film Critic
January 5, 2024

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