The plot of the film Desierto (2015) directed by Jonás Cuarón, shows the difficult journey that immigrants make when crossing the United States border.Two main characters are accompanied by 11 other immigrants who are finding passage towards the United States. The group of immigrants are then hunted down by a racist vigilante, played by Jeffery Dean Morgan, who takes policing into his own hands.
As the movie progresses immigrants are shot down and killed. The ending shows the antagonist dying and the main characters survive and make it to a town.
While the movie shows a happy ending where the two main characters make it safely to the U.S, in the present day the passage is a very high risk.
Immigrants pay thousands to crime organizations in order to attempt the crossing. The risks shown in the movie are very real, but everyone who makes the journey has different stories to why they took the decision to come over.
Many people just want to provide for their families due to lack of economic security in their own country. Others escape from danger or persecution by criminal organizations. With the current surge of immigrants our politicians are having problems with taking the right steps to find a solution.
Desierto highlights active problems that should be exposed.