The Movie Lift is a heist movie thriller which is filled with action and comedy, and the unexpected turn you must see to believe. It starts off with a purchase of 20M by Cyrus, the protagonist played by Kevin Hart, for a NFT by an artist by N8. They need N8 to make a special NFT so they can use it to get something they need later in the film. Secondly, there is an intense boat chase scene but they get away with the artist to their private yacht. The movie ends in a complete twist that entertained and shocked me while watching the film. The foreshadowing of a bigger heist (by the title of the movie having a plane on it) was effective, and pyrotechnics were used in the film to make the film more realistic. I would have to rate this movie for entertainment purposes a 10/10 if people just want a quick action/comedy film to watch in your spare time.
Movie by Netflix
Chase Hoehn, Reviewer
March 6, 2024