Omisoka, A Japanese New Year Celebration

In Japan, people celebrate a holiday known as Omisoka, which has striking similarities to New Year’s Eve in other countries.  Shogatsu is known in Japan as New Year’s Day. 

People must prepare very carefully for this holiday, in which they must write Nengajo (Japanese New Year’s Cards) to all friends, family, co-workers, etc.  Omisoka is also celebrated as a way to forget about the year with parties called Bonenkai Parties.

Many people will send out tons of end-of-the-year gifts too.  As for food, desserts like mochi are made because many will eat it on Shogatsu.  

To end the year of, many people will eat a type of buckwheat noodles called Toshikoshi Soba.  These noodles are known as ¨year passing noodles¨. Most families will watch special new years programs while eating this meal.  

Just before midnight, there is the Buddhist temple bells that are struck 108 times to purify people from their 108 earthly passions.  

After midnight, people will visit a Shinto shrine to pray for that night, while sweet sake is passed out to the gatherers.  Many people will wake up early the next day to see the first sunrise of that year.